
Roe V. Wade Ruling (part three)

August 24, 2022 Season 3 Episode 8

"When you come from an approach of telehealth first, of digital-first, it's really what are the logistical challenges to reach those patients everywhere.... we're able to reach people in a way that traditional healthcare hasn't been able to. Through that we also know, for example, we have helped patients in 70% of counties that contain a healthcare provider shortage area. We also know that we've sent prescriptions to 99% of contraceptive deserts. So the possibilities when it comes to digital and delivery, really open up access to populations that have been underserved. "

In this episode, Favor's Senior Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Stephanie Swartz explores the importance of access to affordable and convenient healthcare for women and people who menstruate in a post-Roe world. 

Favor, formally The Pill Club, combines telemedicine and direct-to-consumer pharmacy with the broadest insurance coverage in the space and has evolved from a single-point solution focused on birth control delivery & reproductive healthcare to a comprehensive digital health platform that seeks to address racial, socioeconomic and gender gaps in our current health system.

Stephanie Swartz is Favor’s Senior Director of Policy and Public Affairs, where she advocates for access to affordable, convenient, and high quality healthcare for women and people who menstruate. Previously, Stephanie worked in global public policy roles at Google and Uber, covering consumer protection topics ranging from privacy to safety. At Uber, she led efforts to publish the company’s first of its kind Safety Report, which detailed incidents including sexual assaults on the platform. Stephanie graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from California State University Long Beach and received an MPhil in International Relations from Oxford University, where she was a Rhodes Scholar. A native of Southern California, Stephanie currently lives in Washington, D.C.